Taco Bell Programming (WIP)

added on 2022-08-29

This is the second post, in my new series where I show how I use the commandline, for casual daily stuff, mostly unrelated to my daily work. This post is less of how I use them, and more of how else I can use them.
This post has been inspired by this post by teddziuba here

My objectives out of this post ?

I’ll be modifying the article, as more ideas and setbacks are faced while exploring this style.
I look forward to this venture to bear fruits in my productivity while building new products.

The UNIX style of programming, using text parsing , line oriented way to pass information between programs, to end up with a larger program.

What are the core tenants

Rapidly Reactive Stateful Programs should be avoided from being coded in this style of programming

Can I overcome it ?

The limitation of being hard to express web servers and replies

I could in theory script intent in form of data for example a dsl like
:<POST/GET/PUT/DELETE>: (action)
:<POST/GET/PUT/DELETE>: (action)

and use this DSL, to auto generate new code in FastAPI / Flask / Django / Typescript / other frameworks to auto write the boilerplate code, this should cut down on a lot of code writing , combine this with vipe to get even better result, e.g

cat template/webdsl | vipe | toFastAPI >> appendableapiserver.py

The security limitation could be overcome using bubblewrap, providing a safe environment to process all of this

Tools that can aide me with this

Can I code faster with this style ?

Let’s find out.

Build a new page template

cat hugopage.md | ,grep-md  > mdpage.md
cat hugopage.md | ,grep-yaml | md2html mdpage.md | ,appendCSS tufte > finalpage.html

Send an email to all subscribers in an email list and update blacklist

cat subscribers.txt | sort | uniq | ,filter --csv --json --plain blacklist | ,toCSV subscribers.csv
cat emailcontent.md | toEML --assert-dir "assets/" --from "teito@teitoklien.com" --to-list subscribers.csv --outdir "shortcuts29th-email/"
mkfifo emailfeedback
awsfeedbackapp > emailfeedback 
cronit @5mins: cat emailfeedback | ,genBlackList --pre oldlist > newlist.txt && ,mv newlist blacklist 
# parsefeedback and update blacklist every 5 mins

The Standard

What language should i use

Actually, python3 kek.
How ? A combination of

Bash should be there too, but less of it and only for personal onetimer use, not for day to day project specific work.

Other notes



I’m mostly exploring this style of programming as an idea and thinking of how many places and how many ways, I can use this style to my advantage.
If you have more ideas on how I can improve this even more, or have questions that you think might be relevant to this discussion. Email them to me at teito@teitoklien.com

I’ll add a link here to my next post in this series, when It’s ready,

Appended on 2022-08-30:

Here it is Brewing a Taco-style Flavoured Python

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